Peoplesoft – Printing Balance sheet tree

with mytree as (select distinct tnode.tree_name, tnode.parent_node_num, tnode.tree_node_num, tnode.tree_node, tlvl.tree_level, glacct.account, glacct.account_type, tnode.parent_node_name, glacct.descr from sysadm.pstreenode tnode, sysadm.pstreeleaf tleaf, sysadm.ps_gl_account_tbl glacct, sysadm.pstreelevel tlvl where tnode.setid=tleaf.setid and tnode.tree_name=tleaf.tree_name and tnode.effdt=tleaf.effdt and tleaf.tree_node_num between tnode.tree_node_num and tnode.tree_node_num_end and glacct.account between tleaf.range_from and…

Programatically gathering a thread dump

This is just a method you could add to your software if you wish to trigger a thread dump in a controlled fashion. import java.sql.*; import*; public class DebugLocks { public static String dumpThreads() { final StringBuilder dump =…