A previous post provided a simple example of a karaf deployment with a Camel route. This one takes it a step further and provides a Camel processor that connects to another application, fetches content, and enhances it. The application properties…
Category: Camel
Broken out into two routes… Consume web service and enqueuer in ActiveMQ Dequeue from ActiveMQ and persist in PO object in Oracle database <route id=”get-po”> <from uri=”timer://simpleTimer?period=30s”/> <to uri=”http://cmhlcarchapp01:8080/tradestone/send_po.jsp“/> <to uri=”jms:queue:testMQ” /> </route> <route id=”insert-db”> <from…
Simple JBOSS Fuse/Karaf Camel route deployment
To get started with Camel for routing, you can simply drop a file in the deploy directory under your Fuse installation. However, in a production environment, it is advisable to have more controlled process for deploying routes. That is the…
Camel route to consume external web service
I thought this was pretty difficult to find a very simple working example. The following works as an example of a polling consumer integration pattern… This will do a GET of the URL listed every 30 seconds, and write the…
Simple camel project with full maven instructions
Generate maven project stub directory… mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.yourcompany.it.arch.poc.esb -DartifactId=esbpoc -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false …then create the single class in our POC… package com.yourcompany.it.arch.poc.esb; import javax.jms.ConnectionFactory; import org.apache.activemq.*; import org.apache.camel.*; import org.apache.camel.builder.*; import org.apache.camel.component.jms.*; import org.apache.camel.impl.*; public final class App { public static…