Each of these has their own set of strengths, and is appropriate for differing and sometimes similar requirements. What each of them lack is the ability to flexibly, easily, and succinctly report on CPU utilization at not only an individual…
JetBrains dotPeek
Nice decompiler, this is a just a note for reference. Original source code …and the output of the decompiler…
Simple JBOSS Fuse/Karaf Camel route deployment, part 2
A previous post provided a simple example of a karaf deployment with a Camel route. This one takes it a step further and provides a Camel processor that connects to another application, fetches content, and enhances it. The application properties…
Releasing H2 lock that prevents startup
We have a small keycloak instance in development that would not start after a VM failure. We ended up restoring the filesystem on which it lives, which resolved the issue. After that fact, I drilled in to determine how to…
Peoplesoft – Printing Balance sheet tree
with mytree as (select distinct tnode.tree_name, tnode.parent_node_num, tnode.tree_node_num, tnode.tree_node, tlvl.tree_level, glacct.account, glacct.account_type, tnode.parent_node_name, glacct.descr from sysadm.pstreenode tnode, sysadm.pstreeleaf tleaf, sysadm.ps_gl_account_tbl glacct, sysadm.pstreelevel tlvl where tnode.setid=tleaf.setid and tnode.tree_name=tleaf.tree_name and tnode.effdt=tleaf.effdt and tleaf.tree_node_num between tnode.tree_node_num and tnode.tree_node_num_end and glacct.account between tleaf.range_from and…
Programatically gathering a thread dump
This is just a method you could add to your software if you wish to trigger a thread dump in a controlled fashion. import java.sql.*; import java.lang.management.*; public class DebugLocks { public static String dumpThreads() { final StringBuilder dump =…