Month: October 2012

Simple ATG JSP and droplet

This post assumes you have installed the Commerce Reference Store. It was also written for ATG 10.0.3, although it may work on other versions, as well. Create the following file, named, under $ATG_INSTALL_DIR/home/locallib import*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*;…

opatch “patch not applicable”

I saw the exception in the subject title of this post this earlier this week while applying the most recent PSU. Of course, the problem had absolutely nothing to do with whether or not the patch was applicable to the…

ATG – Listing item descriptors in a given repository

Below is a droplet that will print out all item descriptors in the OrderRepository. import*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; import atg.servlet.*; import atg.adapter.gsa.*; public class repo extends DynamoServlet { public repo() {} public void service (DynamoHttpServletRequest request,DynamoHttpServletResponse response) throws…

Quiet svn+ssh

While issuing various svn commands and using the svn+ssh protocol, we found that the output of /etc/issue could really clutter up the screen. We added the following in the $HOME/.ssh/config LogLevel quiet This eliminated the output of /etc/issue.