Running log miner from python

Python is so flexible for quick and dirty toolsets, that I built one this morning that invokes the Oracle log miner software to read archived redo logs. It queries the logs for changes to a given table, and prints any records it finds. The version below needs to be enhanced to have search filters (add username, time, sid, etc.) However, this will get you started.

Author:         Steve Howard
Date:           December 10, 2010
Purpose:        Simple program to process redo log changes

import cx_Oracle, sys, string, thread, datetime
from threading import Lock
from threading import Thread

plock = thread.allocate_lock()

#set up our time window
startYear = int(string.split(sys.argv[1],'_')[0])
startMonth = int(string.split(sys.argv[1],'_')[1])
startDay = int(string.split(string.split(sys.argv[1],' ')[0],'_')[2])
startHour = int(string.split(string.split(sys.argv[1],' ')[1],':')[0])
startMinute = int(string.split(string.split(sys.argv[1],' ')[1],':')[1])
startTime=datetime.datetime(startYear, startMonth, startDay, startHour,startMinute, 0)

endYear = int(string.split(sys.argv[2],'_')[0])
endMonth = int(string.split(sys.argv[2],'_')[1])
endDay = int(string.split(string.split(sys.argv[2],' ')[0],'_')[2])
endHour = int(string.split(string.split(sys.argv[2],' ')[1],':')[0])
endMinute = int(string.split(string.split(sys.argv[2],' ')[1],':')[1])
endTime=datetime.datetime(endYear, endMonth, endDay, endHour, endMinute,0)


class readRedoThread(Thread):
  def __init__ (self,threadNum):
    self.t = threadNum

  def run(self):

    conn = cx_Oracle.connect(mode = cx_Oracle.SYSDBA)
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    contents = conn.cursor()

    cursor.prepare("select name \
                      from v$archived_log \
                      where first_time between :1 and :2 + 60/1440 \
                        and thread# = :3 \
                        and deleted = 'NO' \
                        and name is not null \
                        and dest_id = 1")

    #...and loop until we are past the ending time in which we are interested...
    global startTime
    global endTime

    s = startTime
    e = endTime

    while s < e:
      cursor.execute("select name \
                        from v$archived_log \
                        where first_time between :1 and :2 + 60/1440 \
                          and thread# = :3 \
                          and deleted = 'NO' \
                          and name is not null \
                          and dest_id = 1",[s, s, self.t])
      for row in cursor:
        logAdd = conn.cursor()
        logAdd.execute("begin sys.dbms_logmnr.add_logfile(:1); end;",[row[0]])
        logStart = conn.cursor()

        #you may have to use an "offline" catalog if this is being run 
        #  against a standby database, or against a read-only database.
        #logStart.execute("begin sys.dbms_logmnr.start_logmnr(dictfilename => :1); end;",["/tmp/dictionary.ora"])
        #logStart.execute("begin sys.dbms_logmnr.start_logmnr(options => dbms_logmnr.dict_from_online_catalog \
                                                                       + dbms_logmnr.print_pretty_sql \
                                                                       + dbms_logmnr.no_rowid_in_stmt); end;")
        logStart.execute("begin sys.dbms_logmnr.start_logmnr(options => dbms_logmnr.dict_from_online_catalog + \
                                                                        dbms_logmnr.no_rowid_in_stmt); end;")

        #contents.execute("select sql_redo,thread#,session#,serial#,timestamp,username from v$logmnr_contents where table_name like '%XWCMD_HOLDING%' and thread# = :1",
        #contents.execute("select sql_redo,thread#,session#,serial#,timestamp,username from v$logmnr_contents where sql_redo like '%XWCMD_ORACLE_TEXT%' and thread# = :1",      
        contents.execute("select sql_redo,thread#,session#,serial#,timestamp,username from v$logmnr_contents where thread# = :1", [self.t])
        for change in contents:
          #print change[0],change[1],change[2],change[3],change[4],change[5]
          print change[0]
      minutes = datetime.timedelta(minutes=60)
      s = s + minutes


def restoreLogs():
 #placeholder for future procedure to get any necessary archived redo
logs from RMAN


threadList = []
threadNums = []

conn = cx_Oracle.connect(mode = cx_Oracle.SYSDBA)
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("select distinct thread# from v$archived_log where first_time >= :1 and next_time <= :2",[startTime,endTime])

for row in cursor:


for i in threadNums:
 thisOne = readRedoThread(i)

for j in threadList:

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