Category: Load balancing

Managing F5 load balancers with the python bigsuds library

Connecting to a GTM from bigsuds import * b = BIGIP(hostname = ‘GTM_Name_orIP’, username = ‘your_username’, password = ‘your_password’) for pool in b.GlobalLB.Pool.get_list(): for member in b.GlobalLB.Pool.get_member([pool]): for i in range(len(member[0])): print “Pool =”, pool, \ “, IP”,member[i][‘member’][‘address’], \ “listens…

HAProxy ACL based on percentage

We use F5 in production environments, but to test a functional setup of A/B testing, we used HAProxy 1.5-dev21. We have a single domain, and would like to forward requests to one of two backends based on a cookie value.…

Akamai GTM

Akamai’s Global Traffic Manager, or GTM for short, is technology that allows a user to configure traffic to be sent to more than one data center, or at least more than one origin URL. For an Akamai primer, go here.…

HAProxy setup

I wanted to have a deeper understanding of load balancing. I tested with several different open source products, but the most recent release of HAProxy (1.5.21) was the easiest to get running. I wanted to test the following on RHEL…