Category: Linux

Configure Linux to authenticate with Active Directory

Install samba and krb from yum, then run the following… authconfig –disablecache \ –enablewinbind \ –enablewinbindauth \ –smbsecurity=ads \ –smbworkgroup=howard.local \ –smbrealm=HOWARD.LOCAL \ –enablewinbindusedefaultdomain \ –winbindtemplatehomedir=/home/%U \ –winbindtemplateshell=/bin/bash \ –enablekrb5 \ –krb5realm=HOWARD.LOCAL \ –enablekrb5kdcdns \ –enablekrb5realmdns \ –enablelocauthorize \ –enablemkhomedir…

Where is a given thread connecting?

We start by getting the PID of our running JVM… -bash-4.1$ jps 29527 Main 3560 Jps …then we print each lightweight process (threads in our JVM) in which we are interested. In our case, these are threads with zafu in…