Category: Python

Comparing web content using python

We have an active/passive data center setup. We replicate the database data using GoldenGate, and maintain the application software through regular build processes. ATG publishing is included in the database data, and the targeter files are maintained via rsync. We…

Python dig query

Nothing much, just a script to walk the tree for a given name. It starts at a CNAME and walks its way all the way down to the A record and IP address. In the context of larger script that…

Monty Hall simulation in python

The Monty Hall problem, or paradox as it is sometimes known, has always intrigued me, so much so that I wrote a python based simulator to prove it to be true or false. The crux of it, and as its…

Weblogic WLST – Accessing OS variables

As with all thing wlst, almost everything you can do in python you can do in wlst. Below is just a simple example of accessing host variables from inside of weblogic. [sa-weblogic@cmhldecomadm01 Middleware]$ export FOO=”BAR” [sa-weblogic@cmhldecomadm01 Middleware]$ ./Oracle_Home/oracle_common/common/bin/ Initializing WebLogic…

Why isn’t my cursor being shared?

This is a decent way to determine why a cursor isn’t being shared, resulting in cache locking during parsing (134 minutes total yesterday, which is very high historically)… SQL> select count(*),sql_id from gv$active_session_history where event = ‘library cache lock’ group…