Category: ATG

ATG – printing items in a giftlist

What is below will print all SKU’s in a giftlist for a given profile… SQL> select g.catalog_ref_id, stock_level, s.display_name 2 from core.dcs_giftitem g, core.dcs_inventory i, cata.dcs_sku s 3 where id in (select giftitem_id 4 from core.dcs_giftlist_item o 5 where giftlist_id…

Comparing web content using python

We have an active/passive data center setup. We replicate the database data using GoldenGate, and maintain the application software through regular build processes. ATG publishing is included in the database data, and the targeter files are maintained via rsync. We…

How does ATG calculate a checksum on a file asset

Here is how a checksum is calculated by ATG. This could be invaluable if you ever have to fix data. Get the checksum on the publishing agent filesystem… -bash-4.1$ pwd /opt/jboss/kits/current/atg_bootstrap.war/WEB-INF/ATG-INF/DAS/lib -bash-4.1$ java -cp classes.jar /tmp/ Via Direct Table…

Dump ATG publishing cluster state

The ATG publishing infrastructure maintains a cluster state file on each target. This is used to sync up with the Business Control Center (“BCC”) content, and ensure they match. When troubleshooting, it can be helpful to print the contents of…

ATG RepeatingRequestMonitor

During a recent period of high traffic level on our site, we found we had several threads blocked on a particular component. We found that the component contained a synchronized block of code, which means only one request can be…