Month: July 2012

XA transactions and Oracle RAC…

…don’t work in 11.2.0. Perhaps more specifically, I (and everyone I have found blogging about it, as well as on oracle forums) can’t get it to work. The documentation states the following… “Tightly coupled XA transactions no longer require the…

Nessus scan of Oracle listener

I thought this was interesting. I found the following in our listener.log file after our security team ran a nessus scan… listener.log:TNS-12502: TNS:listener received no CONNECT_DATA from client listener.log:27-JUN-2012 09:30:52 * (CONNECT_DATA=(COMMAND=VERSION)) * version * 1189 listener.log:27-JUN-2012 09:30:52 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=orcl)(CID=(PROGRAM=nessus)(HOST=…

Disabling client side PeopleTools debugging

This afternoon, while migrating some objects from development to QA, my PeopleTools session was generating an error message that stated… “Debugging disabled. Communication failure during connect(): 10061. (143,9)” Since I wasn’t actually debugging anything, I opened Configuration Manager and on…

ATG primary key data types

Not much today, this is just a place holder as we evaluate conflict resolution schemes for ATG and Golden Gate. Out of the box, it uses an application based sequence generator (DAS_ID_GENERATOR table). You can (and are encouraged to) prepend…