Month: January 2012

Comparing RPM’s between servers

Periodically, I will want to compare the RPM installations between two or more servers. Sometimes, I may not care about the specific versions of each RPM, but only that *some* version exists. To do this, I can use awk and…

Why won’t my VIP start?

After restarting a test server, I found the RAC VIP would not start. This post is just a quick note as to how I troubleshot the problem, as well as its ultimate resolution. I frequently use the find -mmin 5…

Getting DDL for a scheduler job

If you need to copy the DDL to create a scheduler job from one schema to another, what is below works well… 13:28:56 oracle@oh1xpwcdb01 ~ >./ “select dbms_metadata.get_ddl(‘PROCOBJ’,’CHECK_TEMP_FREE’,’HOWARDS’) from dual” ———————————————– BEGIN dbms_scheduler.create_job(‘”CHECK_TEMP_FREE”‘, job_type=>’PLSQL_BLOCK’, job_action=> ‘begin oclc_checks.check_temp_free(10); end;’ , number_of_arguments=>0,…

Standard exception pragmas

Oracle provides several standard exception pragmas (essentially, a compiler directive) for exceptions found on a fairly frequent basis. These are documented in the PL/SQL User Guide and Reference, but you can also get them at runtime using what is below:…