Month: April 2011

Getting started with map reduce

Map Reduce is a computer technology algorithm that is built on the age old concept of functional programming.  The goals of functional programming can be simplistically described as: every program returns a value “map” lists of values to functions Map…

MySQL mysqlbinlog vs. Oracle logmnr

MySQL provides the mysqlbinlog utility to parse binary transaction logs for any number of purposes which may include replication, auditing, or troubleshooting. Oracle also provides this functionality through a PL/SQL package called dbms_logmnr, more commonly referred to as “Log Miner”.…

Accessing ASM via FTP

This is a documented feature, but I wanted to post my notes so I could reference them if needed. All you basically have to do to set this up is: install XML DB (package dbms_xdb). This is installed if you…