Month: January 2010

cx_Oracle cursor fetching behaviour

I have noticed this over the past few months, and think I still may be missing something. Given the following code… #!/home/oracle/local/bin/python import cx_Oracle import sys con = cx_Oracle.connect(“howards”,”******”,”perfrac”) con.cursor().execute(“alter session set events ‘10046 trace name context forever, level 12′”);…

Delete files older than another file

Using the find command in *nix is very useful. You can specify that you would like to find files newer than another file, or older or newer than a certain time. You cannot (directly) find files older than another file.…

Being a tool collector

I inherited my dad’s penchant for tools. He frequently came home after work with a new screw driver or ratchet. He used baby food jars to organize excess nuts and bolts left over from projects past. I too, buy tools,…

Fire! Fire! Fire!

If you find yourself in the middle of a hung database, you can do what follows (see Metalink for additional information) Can login to the database alter session set events ‘immediate trace name SYSTEMSTATE level 10’; –three time waiting five…